- Hummingbird
- Matryoshka
- DiamondSkull2
- DiamondSkull1
- Compass/Hook1
- Compass/Hook2
- Compass/Hook3
December 18, 2013 by The Crafty Concubine
Category :Random:, Design:Work, Illustration, Tattoo:Flash | Tags: birds,design,diamonds,flash art,illustration,owls,skulls,tattoo,tattoo design,tattoo flash | Comments Off on recent tattoo design work
December 6, 2013 by The Crafty Concubine
Category :Random:, Illustration, Sticker:Design, Tattoo:Flash | Tags: | Comments Off on sticker illustration..
November 3, 2013 by The Crafty Concubine
I find I always have a number of projects on the go and the majority of my larger pieces lately take hours and hours of fine Micron detailing to finish…I LOVE the finished products as Im a sucker for detail, but sometimes I wanna see the fruits of my labors come to life immediately. This is why Ive started busting out a number of fun “slap up” street art style stickers done in Sharpies for those moments of impatience. haha…
Category :Random:, Illustration, Sticker:Design, Tattoo:Flash | Tags: | Comments Off on Sticker Slaps